Clash of Candies is an asynchronous, Facebook-integrated mobile game aimed at the "soccer mom" audience. Clash of Candies was developed under constraints provided by the professors at the University of Utah's EAE Master's Game Studio through the Rapid Prototyping class. Developed in 9 days, the game was required to have an impressionist theme and be created for mobile.

Clash of Candies combines the gameplay of Papers, Please with the theme of Candy Crush Saga and the simple swiping mechanics of apps like Tinder. Players choose which candies are poisoned for their opponent before each round, while the opponent must memorize what candies are unsafe and swipe to sort them accordingly. Players must deal with an impatient child, placating or scolding them to keep their hands out of their Halloween haul until it's been properly sorted. Players can share their results to Facebook or purchase peanut butter cups to placate their child if they're finding the time constraints too tight.
Aidan O'Keefe was the lead producer and designer on Clash of Candies. Aidan took the role of scrum master and vision holder, running meetings and guiding the project to completion with his team. In addition to production, he was the primary designer on several game mechanics, including the multiplayer components and the impatient child timer system. Aidan produced the trailer and design documents for this game, which can be seen above and below respectively.

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