Fire Extinguisher Simulator (FES) is a serious VR game developed at the University of Utah with guidance from the Fire Department of New York City. FES instructs players on how to properly use a fire extinguisher in the event of a serious house fire through intuitive controls and instructions in a simulated fire scenario. Users take control of a player inside of a house fire through their Oculus Rift headset and must locate and utilize the fire extinguisher to put out the entire fire. After learning the procedure, players can reset the instance and test their knowledge of fire extinguisher procedure in a no-risk environment.
Aidan O'Keefe joined this project late into its development cycle, but was the primary producer and main point of contact for the firefighting expert consulted on this project. Aidan managed the Agile workflow and was the scrum master on the project. He also produced the trailer, design documents, and gameplay documentation to allow the game to be used to train people at events and gatherings across the country.

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